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I used to believe I had an addictive  personality and had been told by doctors that I was addicted to nicotine.  I smoked for  35 years and had taken drugs so  I believed, without  question that smoking, alcoholism and drugs were a disease, and because I trusted the sources I readily accepted this as truth. Caffeine, and even our smart phones are now been considered something people are addicted too.  When you believe you are have an addictive personality you believe that this is fixed or genetic and that you are powerless to do anything about it.  Our Language as well as external influences are  a massive contributing factor  in reinforcing our beliefs.  When we


believe we have no control of the outcome,or  believe it will be really difficult or we believe we will go through withdrawals why would we even consider quitting our drug of choice.?   By changing our language to “habit” we may then begin to believe we do have the skills to change unwanted or damaging behaviours pretty easily.  I have worked with countless people over the last 13 years getting them to stop smoking, give up drugs and learn to drink socially  –and leading a healthy and happy but most importantly a normal life.

The Changing beliefs programme is amazing in helping you to create a powerful mind, having  self belief and building all the resources and skills you need to take back control of this destructive way of life in only 7 sessions.


Rita,  "Thank-you so much for taking me through "the changing limiting belief's course  (Thrive) to say it has changed my life is an understatement !!!!!

As you know I came to you as an ex patient of the priory who had treatment for alcohol addiction back in October 2010. I spent 28 days in rehab and came out of there believing that I was an addict and was suffering from an illness that I would never recover from…This is when I contacted you and you suggested the CLB Thrive course to me. I was a bit apprehensive at first but will never forget those words you said, "just take a leap of faith" and I tell you I am so please I did, its the best decision I have ever made.

Today I have my stress and anxiety levels under control because of this course and how I now think…I am very positive and my self esteem has gone through the roof !!

Today my life has never been better and I have full control over my thoughts as I really do know who I am and how I think.  .I can’t thank you enough Rita" 

Kindest regards   Martin

Kindest regards  


Addictions 2014 

10 sessions of Beliefs work & Hypnotherapy for Alcohol and Smoking

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