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Hypnoband Gastric Band Programme

As seen on Channel’s 4 Embarrassing bodies.

Rita is a licensed Gastric Hypno-Band Practitioner.  Hypno-Band is the worlds No. 1 Gastric Band Hypnotherapy Weight Loss System, where a state of mind is created into  believing that you actually have a Gastric Band fitted.  You will eat smaller portions and feel full quicker. This fascinating five session weight loss programme is unbelievably effective for the right person who has a BMI of 30 or over.


Can you answer YES to any of the following?

  • Do you comfort eat when you are unhappy, alone, bored or stressed?

  • Are you fed up with the cycle of dieting and depriving yourself only to find that after a short time the weight piles back on?

  • Do you yo-yo diet and end up weighing more than you did before you started?

  • Are you fed up feeling you have to deprive yourself of food?

  • Do you find yourself thinking about food all the time but never being able to enjoy eating and see it as a pleasurable experience?

  • Would you love to be able to eat what you want, feel great and have the body shape you really want to?

  • Do you often eat for other reasons rather than being hungry?

  • Have you thought about having a Gastric Band fitted or Gastric Bypass Surgery?

  • Perhaps you only want to lose a small amount of weight?

Hypnotherapy at the Woodford  Clinic can help you.



Now is the time to change your eating habits and live a healthier and happier lifestyle with the Virtual Gastric Band. Discover the secrets of staying slim -

I will show you how to stop thinking negatively about food and how to make positive food choices. You will discover

  • How to achieve and enjoy the benefits of having a healthier weight

  • The reasons why you overeat/comfort eat/binge

  • The emotional and confidence issues which cause you to overeat

A Programme of deeply relaxing, friendly and informative sessions where you will gain valuable insight into yourself and your eating habits


If you would like to learn more about the Gastric Hypno Band  then please feel free to  call me for an informal chat.

Hi Rita"I have been overweight for as long as I can remember, and always used the excuse of comfort eating when I was down or under stress. Everyone knows that being overweight is unhealthy and I have been to Weight Watchers, Slimming World, Rosemary Conley, but until you are mentally ready to loose weight, it is not going to happen.


I came across Rita by chance, picked up a magazine that I do not usually read and found the article on Hypno gastric bands, carried on reading and for some reason unknown to me, picked up the phone there and then and phoned her, I just knew this was for me.


The treatment has literally changed my life, I am in total control over what I eat, food does not have control over me, I had my 'operation' just over 2 months ago and I have lost over 2 stone, I do not feel as if I am on a diet, I just eat healthily and far less of it.


I still have a very long way to go ( I was very large) but I have already gone down 2 sizes in my clothes, I have a lot of stress at home at the moment, and I am not comfort eating.


Rita thank you so very much"Take care  Belinda  xx


HI Rit"I just wanted to say a huge Thank You for how you have helped me turn my life around. After having my beautiful babies and despite loving being a new mum I kind of got a bit lost with my own identity. Putting on more than 6 stone during the pregnancies had shattered my confidence and self esteem, I couldn't even bare to have a picture taken of me with my boys!


Now, just under 4 months later, life is fantastic.....


As of today I have lost a total of 4 stone!!!! It amazes me at how easy it has been by thinking about things from a different angle, or more importantly not letting a tiny thought grow out of control!! I am well on my way to my goal weight and in only a fraction of the time that I predicted.


I am far more active, I have bags more enthusiasm for everything and finally I am back to being "Sarah" again, not just someones Mummy or Wife!!


When I first came to see you, you promised me that I would feel good about myself by the time of my friends wedding and i thought "yeah yeah whatever!" .....well you definitely know your stuff because I had a fantastic time.


Coming to see you is probably the best decision that I have made in a long time and I will recommend you at every opportunity."Lots of loveSarah x

Hypno Gastric Band Weight Loss Programme         

£395 for  5 one hour sessions

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